Site map Sagora Finance training allows you to find the content of your choice directly:
- Don't fall victim to this adage again! (17 February 2024)
- (Re)thinking banking regulation (17 April 2024)
- Understanding the time value of money (17 April 2024)
- Understanding business performance (18 April 2024)
- How to optimise company costs (18 April 2024)
- Portfolio management and market volatility (6 May 2024)
- The man at the top of the Ponzi pyramid (13 May 2024)
- A fearsome but under-feared animal: the Black Swan (20 May 2024)
- Taming risk: a winning long-term gamble (3 July 2024)
- Does a monkey invest better than you (or Aunt Agathe)? (30 July 2024)
- Monday's stock market plunge: a cold autopsy (15 August 2024)
- The success of the State notes of 5 September 2023: an enlightened investment (7 September 2024)
- Investing for your children's future: savings account or investment fund (22 December 2024)
- The art of reading between the numbers: why positive net profits are not always a good sign (5 February 2025)
- Eight Reasons for Managers, Business Owners, and CEOs to Study Financial Management (20 February 2025)
- Sagora: finance courses (24 March 2024)
- The Sagora team (29 March 2024)
- The Sagora method (2 April 2024)
- Articles (6 April 2024)
- Advice sheets and other documents (7 April 2024)
- Restricted access to participants - Sagora Formations en Finance (7 April 2024)
- Opinions and testimonials from our participants (8 April 2024)
- Tailor-made finance courses (8 April 2024)
- Company Valuation and Financing (16 April 2024)
- Diagnosis and financial planning (16 April 2024)
- Sagora legal notice and terms of use (19 April 2024)
- Articles on portfolio management (22 May 2024)
- Articles on financial analysis (22 May 2024)
- Budgeting and financial planning in Excel (3 June 2024)
- Management control and cost analysis (7 June 2024)
- Sagora Finance Training site map (7 June 2024)
- Respect for privacy (8 June 2024)
- Our mission and vision (11 June 2024)
- Flash portfolio management tips (19 June 2024)
- Participant access - "Finance for managers" (Module 1) (7 October 2024)
- Participant access - "Finance for managers" (Module 3) (7 October 2024)
- Participant access - "Finance for managers" (Module 4) (9 October 2024)
- Participant access - "Finance for Managers" (Module 5) (9 October 2024)
- Participant access - "Finance for Managers" (Module 2) (28 October 2024)
- Finance for Managers (13 November 2024)
- Business acquisition (14 November 2024)
- Investment criteria and decisions (17 November 2024)
- Our finance courses (17 November 2024)
- 1 - Financial diagnosis and planning (19 November 2024)
- 2 - Budgeting & Financial Planning in Excel (19 November 2024)
- 4 - Investment Criteria and Decision-Making (19 November 2024)
- 3 - Management Control & Cost Analysis (19 November 2024)
- 5 - Company Valuation and Financing (19 November 2024)
- 6 - Company Acquisition (19 November 2024)
- Thank you ! (22 January 2025)
- Finance for managers (7 February 2025)
- Portfolio management (14 February 2025)
- Lucien Poivre (29 March 2024)
- Roxana Dude (29 March 2024)
- Anne-Lise Amoretti (29 March 2024)
- Tanguy Maerten (29 March 2024)
- Mathias Schmit (29 March 2024)
- Benjamin Lorent (29 March 2024)
- Laurent Gheeraert (29 March 2024)
- Arnaud Wala (15 April 2024)
- Zoé Guelenne (6 May 2024)
- Jean Laignelot (11 June 2024)
- Ghadi Kahil (11 June 2024)
- Typhanie Afschrift (9 August 2024)
- Ayoub Maskoub (19 November 2024)
- Guillaume Roger (19 December 2024)