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Company Valuation and Financing

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White pictogram representing the number of course participants


VAT rate : 3%


  • Understanding the financial approach to valuing an unlisted company and the differences with accounting approaches
  • Familiarise yourself with the advantages and disadvantages of common methods for valuing a company
  • Be able to carry out a step-by-step recovery by
    • Multiple
    • Discounted cash flows (adjusted present value method and WACC method)
  • Understanding cash flow projections
  • Estimating risk and the discount rate (WACC)
  • Assessing terminal value
  • Understanding the impact of financing on a company's value
  • Critically analyse the results obtained and identify the key value drivers
  • Preparing for negotiations and understanding their impact on value creation for both parties (seller and buyer)

Content | Company Valuation and Financing

Company Financing

  • Types of financing
  • Impact on value
  • Examples

Company Valuation

  • Multiples approach
  • Discounted cash flow method - adjusted present value
  • Discounted cash flow method - WACC
  • Company valuation step by step: Company valuation guide
  • Examples and practice


  • The difference between value and price
  • Creating value for all parties
  • Arguments, valid or fallacious: how do you respond?

Your Trainer

Benjamin_Lorent_Sagora | Budgétisation et contrôle de gestion  |  Evaluation et financement de sociétés

Prof. Benjamin LORENT | Company Valuation and Financing

  • Professor of Finance and Accounting: Solvay Brussels School of Economics and Management (Université Libre de Bruxelles), Université de Mons, Université de Rouen and Université de Toulon in France and Vietnam.
  • Trainer for ExpertSuisse and numerous continuing education programmes
  • Finance and Insurance Consultant
  • Doctorate in Economics and Management Science

Benjamin LORENT will teach you the following modules:

  • Budgeting and Management Control | Module 3
  • Company Valuation and Financing | Module 5

Company Valuation and Financing: Register Now

Next dates: Luxembourg, 24 and 25 April 2025

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