Investing for your children's future: savings account or investment fund?
Lorsqu’il s’agit de préparer l’avenir de nos enfants, une question cruciale se pose : comment investir intelligemment ? Bien souvent, le premier réflexe est de…
Monday's stock market plunge: a cold autopsy
It was on everyone's lips, from seasoned investors to novices: on Monday, the stock markets fell spectacularly, sending tremors through the global economy. The...
Does a monkey invest better than you (or Aunt Agathe)?
You can't teach the old Wall Street monkeys to invest Burton Malkiel, a renowned economist, wrote in his book "A Random Walk...
Taming risk: a winning long-term gamble
Navigating the ups and downs of the stock markets "You can't stop the waves, but you can learn to surf" (Joseph Goldstein) The stock markets...
The Black Swan: a fearsome but under-feared animal
A deep dive into the teachings of Nassim Taleb Black swans are a well-known expression in the world of finance to describe unpredictable events,...
The Man at the Top of the Ponzi Scheme
Madoff and the Ponzi scheme "In today's regulatory environment, it is virtually impossible to break the rules". It's a thought full of wisdom and...