Sagora legal notice and terms of use

Sagora legal information :

The current version of the Sagora legal notice is the only version applicable during the entire period of use of the site, until a new version replaces it.

Continued browsing of this site by the user (hereinafter referred to as the "user") is not permitted. User ") implies unreserved acceptance of the provisions and conditions of use set out below.

  • Website internet : (hereinafter the " Website ").
  • Publisher SAGORA Formations, whose registered office is located at Sagora SRL, Avenue d'Homborchveld, 56, 1180 Brussels (Company number: 0473.710.980 - VAT: BE 0870 771 671 and LU35334515) and is represented by its Founder and Managing Director, Mr Mathias Schmit (hereinafter the "Company"). Publisher ").

Email address:

  • Publishing director Lucien POIVRE / E-mail address:
  • Property and copyright Copyright © 2024 Sagora
  • Design and production Anne Lise AMORETTI and Lucien POIVRE / E-mail addresses: and
  • Host HOSTINGER INTERNATIONAL LTD, whose registered office is at 61 Lordou Vironos Street, 6023 Larnaca, Cyprus, can be reached at

Terms and conditions of use


Access to and use of the Site are for personal use only. The User undertakes not to use this Site or the information or data contained therein for commercial (in particular for any form of commercial solicitation), political and/or advertising purposes.


The content of the Site, including trademarks, photographs, texts, comments, illustrations, images (animated or not), video sequences, sounds, as well as all computer applications that may be used to operate this Site, and more generally all elements reproduced or used on the Site, are the full and entire property of the Publisher (or its partners) and are protected by the laws in force in respect of intellectual property.

Any reproduction, representation, use or adaptation, in any form whatsoever, of all or part of these elements, including computer applications, is strictly prohibited without the express prior written consent of the Publisher.

The fact that the Publisher does not initiate proceedings as soon as it becomes aware of such unauthorised use shall not constitute acceptance of such use or a waiver of proceedings.


The photographs accompanying the description of the services offered on the Site are not contractual and are not binding on the Publisher.


The Publisher may not be held liable in the event of any failure, breakdown, difficulty or interruption in operation preventing access to the Site or any of its functions.

The equipment used by the User to connect to the Site is the User's sole responsibility. Users must take all appropriate measures to protect their equipment and their own data, particularly in the event of viral attacks via the Internet.

Any content downloaded from the Site is the sole responsibility of the User, and the Publisher may not be held liable for any damage to the User's computer or any loss of data resulting from downloading. 

Users are solely responsible for the sites and data they consult.

The Publisher may not be held liable in the event of legal proceedings against the User as a result, in particular, of the use of the Site or any service accessible via the Internet or the User's failure to comply with these conditions.

The Publisher is not liable for any damage caused to the User, to third parties and/or to the User's equipment as a result of the User's connection to or use of the Site. The User waives any action against the Publisher in this respect.

If the Publisher becomes the subject of amicable or legal proceedings as a result of the User's use of the Site, the Publisher may take legal action against the User in order to obtain compensation for all damages, sums, fines and costs that may arise from such proceedings.


The creation by the User of any hypertext links to all or part of the Site is strictly forbidden, except with the express, prior and written authorisation of the Publisher, requested by letter sent to the address of its registered office indicated at the top of this document.

The Publisher is free to refuse this authorisation without having to justify its refusal. Should the Publisher grant its authorisation, it will be temporary and may be withdrawn at any time without justification.

In all cases, any link must be withdrawn at the Publisher's request.

Furthermore, any information accessible via a hypertext link on the Site to other websites is not under the control of the Publisher, who declines all responsibility for their content.


For the proper management of the Site, the Publisher may at any time :

  • suspend, interrupt or limit access to all or part of the Site, or restrict access to the Site or certain parts thereof to a specific category of Users;
  • delete any information that could disrupt the operation of the Site or contravene any legislation or regulations in force;
  • suspend access to the Site in order to carry out updates.


To find out more, see our Privacy Policy and Cookie Management Policy.


These conditions of use of the Site are governed by European law.

Any disputes arising from these terms and conditions of use, and in particular from their interpretation or performance, shall fall within the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts having jurisdiction over the Publisher's registered office.

The reference language for the settlement of any disputes is French.

The legal notice and these conditions of use were updated on 19/04/2024.

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